The KAT Control System

Aside from EU egg marketing standards, the KAT control system is based on all the other guidelines and regulations laid down by the EU and the regulations of the German animal welfare – livestock farming directive. In each individual European country, the same requirements apply; however, these are interpreted and applied in different ways. KAT has therefore clearly drafted and re-stated their requirements to exceed these legal provisions. The goal is to provide the animals with conditions regarding individual behaviour and movement which satisfy the needs of laying hens, in the interests of animal welfare.

The most important principle for KAT is: same conditions in all member countries for the protection of animals and guarantee of origin of eggs.

The audits at the various stages (feedstuff production, rearing farms, laying farms, packing stations, deying plants) are checked by neutral DIN EN ISO 17065-accredited certification bodies. The inspectors undergo regular KAT training. The approved certification centres are themselves regularly inspected for compliance with KAT standards in the form of integrity audits.

Generally, the KAT inspections are conducted unannounced. Regularly inspection interval for hatcheries, rearing farms, laying farms and feedstuff producers. The inspection frequency for packing stations is two to four times per year. For free-range and organic farms, there are at least two additional free-range checks per year to check that the laying hens really are outside. Administrative audits are also carried out at hatcheries, rearing/laying farms, packing stations, deying plants, sales outlets/agents, egg product- and food industry, to ensure traceability. The focus here is on plausibility checks on goods flow quantities (eggs & animals) by comparing delivery notes and invoices against the entries in the KAT database.

KAT Control System and Process

KAT Criteria